Advocating for Small Farmers and Local Agriculture

RobinHood Group is a sustainable eco-system for healthy food growth and consumption.

We provides capacity building, institutional strengthening and technical assistance for income generation to farmers and agri-business owners.

The organization has added education and access to agriculture and farming initiatives to enhance skills of veterans, ex-offenders and at-risk youth. The RobinHood Group helps individuals establish businesses and nonprofits, helps farmers and agri-business owners and with USDA/RD funding is creating a business and agriculture training manual to help individuals establish farms and agri-businesses.

The RobinHood Group developed the Green Cross: Agricultural Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Community Manual to train entrepreneurs and farmers to promote countywide food growth and sources for economic development, with program funding from the USDA in 2017.

The RobinHood Group created “the past and future history of food in Union County” an in-depth examination of culinary history through favorite family dishes, stories, and recipes collected from Union County residents to teach local history, family ancestry, and culinary skills (support from SC Humanities in 2019).

We are excited to share!

Union’s RobinHood Group awarded national grant, to expand healthy and affordable food access.

The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) chose the RobinHood Group as one of 8 nonprofits nationwide to receive the Grant.

Ashby says her plan is to use the funding to create a commercial kitchen in Union and grow her nonprofit staff. Using other grant funds, the RobinHood Group also has plans to create more community gardens, so that fresh fruit and vegetables are just a step away from home.

“We’ll have greenhouses at each site and so we’ll be able to grow year-round which is amazing,” she said.

Our Programs

Farmers Market Flavors


a new category of frozen treat

Through a grant from USDA in 2020, established and developed great tasting, healthy, 140-calorie ‘frozen produce treats’: Farmers Market Flavors Fru-ge-ley, a new category of frozen treat that is more than ice creams, and provides agriculture education, practical skills and entrepreneurship training to at-risk and disengaged youth.

Fru-ge-ley pint size ($8.50) flavors can be purchased at the Union SC Farm & Craft Market and Country Carrot (in Rock Hill, SC) and along with 5oz containers ($5.50) during events (at wineries, Ag+Art Tours, county fairs and Upstate farmers markets) in the summer.

Fresh pak

The RobinHood Group rebranded to Farmers Market Fresh pak in 2025. Fresh pak continues to increase access to, knowledge and consumption of locally/regionally grown vegetables and fruit at an affordable price. Fresh pak purchase fresh produce from local and statewide farmers and regional vendors.

Fresh pak responds to hunger in our community by creating access to fresh, locally grown, affordable food, and promoting healthy eating habits. Fresh pak continues to develop cooking and literacy skills for an enhanced quality of life for all Union County residents while supporting our agriculture community.

Union County Farm & Craft Market

Features Homegrown & Homemade produce and items from local farmers and vendors.

The RobinHood Group has grown the Union SC Farm & Craft Market from four farmers to 21 vendors, 12 farmers (including four (4) new younger farmers and one rancher) and eight (8) artisans (bakers, soap, pottery and jewelry makers and artists).

The Market is open Monday through Saturday from 8am until 12pm (noon). The Market Manager is at the Market on Saturdays and FoodShare Thursdays for EBT (SNAP & Healthy Bucks) transactions, cooking demonstrations, youth activities and special events.

Visit us: 511 E Main Street, Union, SC 29379

Community & School Gardens

Community & School Gardens South Carolina

In 2020 the RobinHood Group received a $3,000 grant from WholeKids Foundation to establish the school garden at Sims Middle School, the funds were used to support an edible educational garden project that will help children engage with fresh fruits and vegetables. The RobinHood Group also received a $3,000 grant from the South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development to establish a community garden at the Union County (Carnegie) Library System, where all produce generated from the Community Garden Project shall be given to the community at no cost for at least one year after the Community Garden harvests its first crops.

Lastly, the RobinHood Group’s $3,000 in funding from the SC Office of Rural Health established an experimental garden where new crops (white eggplant, white and lemon cucumbers, delicata squash, asparagus; rosemary, mint, basil herbs) are grown. Through a grant from USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) the RobinHood Group will install seven (7) gardens throughout Union County, SC over 2023 to 2025.

  • Renaissance Park (Carlisle/Santuc) - ESTABLISHED 2023

  • Union County (Carnegie) Library System - ESTABLISHED 2023

  • Experimental garden - ESTABLISHED 2023

  • AMIkids White Pines Campus, Jonesville - ESTABLISHED 2024

  • Cross Keys (JRM Rec Center) community - ESTABLISHED 2024

  • Lockhart community

  • Jonesville community

Meet our Executive Director

Elise Ashby

Elise was named the 2024 Woman Farmer of the Year by the SC Black Farmers Coalition “In recognition of exceptional leadership in the agriculture industry and invaluable service on behalf of women farmers.”

Elise also serves as the Secretary/Treasurer of the SC Association of Farmers Markets, the liaison between the SC Black Farmers Coalition and the SC Food Policy Council and member of the subcommittees on the Food Access and Insecurity, Racial Equity within the Food System and Strengthening Nutrition Assistance Programs/ Nutrition and Health Education and newly elected to the SC Specialty Food Association board.

Contact us
(864) 427-1530

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